Questions tagged [asking-questions]

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7 votes
2 answers

What's the best way to ask a "How do I achieve this effect?" question?

I imagine a lot of the questions on are likely to be "how do I achieve this effect (with my camera settings/post-processing)?" questions. That's certainly something I'd like to do. Such ...
bacar's user avatar
  • 101
10 votes
2 answers

Why is it important to provide apparently irrelevant details in a question?

Recently, a user got upset because some of us asked for clarification on a question. New questions with insufficient detail come in all of the time, in fact. In this case, someone guessed at an answer,...
mattdm's user avatar
  • 143k
11 votes
10 answers

Ask great questions, enter to win a prize!

We kicked off a Topic of the Week series on a few other sites, and now we're bringing it to Photo Stack Exchange! The basic idea is to increase the content we have about hot or underrepresented topics....
Laura's user avatar
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