Other SEs can format mathematical formulas in a way called [mathjax][1]. It makes fractions and equations and pretty much everything mathematical look good. It's a subset of tex for the internet and it makes those formulas (as ugly as their content may be) look rather pretty. (that is, the prettiness of typeset text) I agree that this is not the most important thing, because formulas only show up occasionally in photography, but they still do show up from time to time. It shouldn't be hard to implement either, because the functionality already exists. thanks Here are some example posts in which I wanted to use it and which in turn caused me to ask this question here. [This question involves optical formulas][2] This seems to be the most obvious use case, because photography is in part applied physics. [In this question, I'd rather build a table as seen in the original link][3] Tables are great for comparison. [This great question about different terms used by different manufacturers][4] could benefit from using tables, to give a quick overview and comparison. Like a chart that has one manufacturer per row and one feature per column, e.g. stabilisation mount Canon IS EF, EF-S,... Nikon VR AI, AI-S... ... Sony OSS E . . . [1]: https://www.mathjax.org/ [2]: http://photo.stackexchange.com/a/64328/35348 [3]: http://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/64355/why-are-there-two-files-for-each-picture/64356#64356 [4]: http://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/496/what-do-all-those-cryptic-number-and-letter-codes-in-a-lens-name-mean/734#734