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9 votes

Please stop downvoting perfectly good questions about actual photography

Agreed. This is not an opinion-based question, this is a question about the creative process. Which is subjective, but just as photography itself. Gear-related questions are boring, common all over ...
Aurélien Pierre's user avatar
7 votes

How should we handle the "what (Instagram) filter is makes this photo" type questions?

I'm okay with the current way of handling them — direct them to What's the best way to ask a "How do I achieve this effect?" question?, and close it as unclear. If the person is ...
scottbb's user avatar
  • 33.2k
5 votes

How can we make this open ended question answerable?

While I think that the question is interesting, I agree with xiota on the opinion/personal-part and the definition of look-part, but I think it is a problem of broadness, too: A press photographer ...
flolilo's user avatar
  • 6,478
5 votes

How can we make this open ended question answerable?

It's not possible to separate the question from opinion without turning it into an entirely different question. I am unable to discern a reason for the question beyond discussion. There is no ...
xiota's user avatar
  • 27k
5 votes

Are framing questions on topic?

Yes, as long as you are framing a photograph. However, you'll get better expertise here if the question is directly related to something about the photograph itself — either to do with matching the ...
mattdm's user avatar
  • 143k
3 votes

Is it ok to upvote questions

Without wanting to be too unhelpful, you should upvote questions you think are good questions. One way to determine this is by the tooltip on the upvote button: This question shows research effort; ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
  • 22.1k
3 votes

How should we handle the "what (Instagram) filter is makes this photo" type questions?

Here's a template comment similar to the one I use for "What's this effect" questions, but expanded ...
mattdm's user avatar
  • 143k
3 votes

Would a question regarding upgrade options be on-topic?

We have a canonical question on lens compatibility; most questions along the lines you're asking will tend to get redirected to that one as we don't feel it's valuable to have a separate question for ...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
  • 22.1k
2 votes

Where is all the new content for the photo site?

Is this even the right place to ask this? Sure, here is fine. Chat is also a good place to ask this sort of thing. Not that there's a lot of activity there. Or here at Meta, for that matter. ...
scottbb's user avatar
  • 33.2k
2 votes

Requirement to make post-pro questions non-app dependent?

I don't think we can make that a requirement, but we can certainly strive to make "generic" answers or at least answers that require and teach some understanding (and be prepared to upvote them to ...
xenoid's user avatar
  • 21.7k
2 votes

Can I ask about how to develop this specific photograph?

Yes, these types of questions are on scope and welcomed here provided one uses a descriptive title and also describes what exact attribute in the image it is that one wishes to understand and/or ...
Michael C's user avatar
  • 176k
2 votes

Can I ask for someone to post some photos from a camera?

This is not a good Stack Exchange question — in fact, it's not really a question at all, but a service request. You're asking for someone to make a photograph for you, or to Google up some results. ...
mattdm's user avatar
  • 143k
1 vote

How should we handle the "what (Instagram) filter is makes this photo" type questions?

Though I do agree with Scott & Matt's answers, I feel there's more to come from the instagram crowd... & not in a good way. but often, it's lighting, timing, skill, or something else No, ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 23.4k
1 vote

Flash power and softboxes — add a bounty or add a question?

Since it can vary so much from one light modifier to the next I'm not sure any such question is a good fit here unless a specific modifier is identified. It's kind of like asking, "How many horsepower ...
Michael C's user avatar
  • 176k
1 vote

Can I ask for someone to post some photos from a camera?

As is always the case, there is no guarantee your question won't get downvoted. But, good questions rarely get downvoted. Generally, I think that the voters here tend towards generosity rather than ...
scottbb's user avatar
  • 33.2k
1 vote

Can I ask for someone to post some photos from a camera?

That really depends on the question. The first step is to make sure the question itself is a good fit for this site. Then there has to be a good reason why the many pictures out there of various ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
  • 17.5k

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