This idea comes from something Matt Smillie said in comment to Hamish's post. Before we head out and start wildly evangelizing this site to a wide variety of target groups, we should make sure that we have a stable base of contributors who can service those groups. As Matt stated,
At the moment its very much more a camera club than a photography club.
I don't think a truer statement could be made about photo.SE as it is right now. The vast majority of our questions and answers are very gear-oriented with a highly technical base. Honestly, that makes considerable sense, given that I think a large majority of us came from SO, SU, SF, whichever one tickled our technically founded fancy over the last year or so.
I think Photo.SE has tremendous potential that spans WELL beyond the gear-oriented technical base. I have many questions about photography itself, about the artistic aspects, that I have not yet asked. I want to, but I don't really feel like we have a significant enough base of artistically based users to offer me the answers I am looking for. Given that, I think an important step on our journey to broader reach and exposure is to build up a solid base of well-founded artistic photographers in addition to the strong technical base we currently have.
Once we have a more diverse base population of technical and artistic contributors, I think we can be much more successful in garnering support from the greater community of photographers. However, that is just an opinion, perhaps my logic is flawed, so take this with whatever grains of salt you require. ;)