I'm a new user of this forum, and I'm really frustrated at what seems like excessive nit-picking about questions. There is a very cliquish feel here - like you have to know the cool kids and their code before you get to join in their sandbox.
I GET that using a more descriptive title would help. I GET THAT.
I get that asking about hardware choices is somewhat personal, and will not be an entirely long-lived discussion. That doesn't make it irrelevant to the now, nor irrelevant to other users in the future.
What irks me is that the way this is conveyed to posters is not clear. 99% of the time it is conveyed with a cut-n-paste comment that completely ignores specifics of the question. It is dismissive. (I have a question over in Electronics that was sidelined and I can't get any help on how to reword it to get it put back into the active queue. Same problem.)
All the cool kids know how to pay in this sandbox and us newbs feel like the rest of you think we are just annoying and you want us to all go away.
But why? Why do you want to push away people who might actually be great contributors? While I'm new here, I feel that the answers I've provided to a few questions over the past few days should show my worth in this forum. But given this endless nit-picking I'm not at all sure I want to join your sandbox. We are all judged by the company we keep, and at this time I'm not sure I want to be associated with this site much longer.
I hope this will give you some serious food for thought.
Repeatedly posting the following:
"Questions seeking specific product or service recommendations, where the answer is likely to be either entirely personal or short-lived as a result of changing markets, are off topic here. Please rephrase your question to describe the problem you're trying to solve or what you do not understand that prevents you from determining the answer yourself."
where the user is asking a question that isn't "entirely personal" nor "short lived" but rather is a question about the differences between two product lines for a photography use. I've seen this several times over the past few days.