This community is very professional and from a long time ago. the way that pros cant stand "new users" this is getting boring because they are forcing new users to follow some solution are outdated from the first place and didn't give the change to the new users to representing their new solution and experience.
Referring to my question: What did pros do when their photos storage getting huge?
I am in a case that my question is voted for duplication twice, while some of the voters answer my question when it re reopened again !! they voted to close it again and now it is closed ... they are referring to an outdated question and a best answer from 2010, from 3 years and more while new technologies didn't appears yet.
so I suggest instead to mark duplicate an new question, I suggest to mark duplicate the old one to close a discussion happened from 3 years and continue or referring to the new one that consider new technologies, services hardware and cloud systems and services ... etc.
my suggestion is for duplicates that are outdated only.