There is currently one Ars Technica Photo Contest running. Please see below.
Every couple weeks, Stack Exchange chops up some of our best Programmers content and sends it to one of our favorite websites: Ars Technica. There, the syndicated articles receive thousands of views and help tech savvy readers the world over solve the big-picture programming problems they face every day.
But we have a little problem ourselves. We need title photos to accompany these articles. And where better to find high-quality images than right here at the best photography Q&A sitethe best photography Q&A site on the net?
A challenge:
Starting today, you will periodically see meta posts featuring soon-to-be-syndicated Q&A denoted with the tag [ars-technica]. Each of these posts is a contest that functions very much like Picture of the Week, but with a few exceptions.
Submission Rules:
Images must reflect the question posed, the answer(s) given, or the general content represented in the contest Q&A. This may not be an easy. Most content from our Programmers site involves programming languages and abstract workplace concepts. Get creative. Get technical. But keep your submissions professional.
Images must be 640 x 285 px.
oneTWO submissions per person per contest.
Voting Rules:
Up votes only. Down votes will not be counted towards a submission's final score.
Vote for the image that you think looks sharp & best represents the spirit of the contest Q&A. Remember: these are title images published at a major online publication. The more professional the winning image appears, the more likely Ars Technica will agree to feature the image. The publisher has final say. Reward high-quality submissions.
The Winner Gets...
His or her image published along with attribution, including a name and URL of the winner's choosing. Also, $200.00.
Fine Print: In the event of a tie, Ars Technica will choose among the top submissions. Stack Exchange and Ars Technica reserve the right to reject a photo for any reason, or modify the winning photo to make it better fit the Q&A. By submitting to this contest, you are agreeing to license your photo under CC-BY-SA 3.0. This agreement does not apply to versions of the image not submitted.
Check the top of this page for updates on Ars Technica Photo Contests currently running at this site.