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Questions tagged [reputation]

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Not able to submit image on say that I should have atleast 5 reputation to Submit a pic for hall of fame. Now I have 5 Reputation. Still I am not able to? Why so?
Mohit Aphale's user avatar
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Has there been a significant uptick in minor edits?

Am I just being overly sensitive or are we starting to see a large uptick in the number of 'minor' edits like fixing typo's on questions that are months old and moving images from imageshack to imgur ...
James Snell's user avatar
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How can I add 'SB-900' tag?

I'd like to ask a question related to Nikon's SB-900 speedlight. However suggested tags are only 'SB-600' and 'SB-700'. I'm not able to add a new tags as my reputation is less than 300.
Roman Matveev's user avatar
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Do you lose rep for a closed question?

As an example here, do you lose reputation if you've answered a question that has later been closed? Would Fake Name keep his 3 upvotes? I know I ask a lot about losing/gaining rep, I'm just ...
BBking's user avatar
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do I get rep when someone upvotes my comments?

When people upvote my comments, am I supposed to gain reputation from that?
J. Walker's user avatar
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Why do the leagues show more earned reputation than total reputation?

Looking at the reputation leagues on the main stack exchange site, I noticed that some users have supposedly earned more in reputation, say, a month than they have total reputation. How is this ...
damned truths's user avatar
3 votes
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Why reputation decreased by 1 on down-vote?

Lately I noticed, when I downvote a answer(Which according to me is poor) my reputation is reduced by 1. Is this a standard procedure or something wrong with my downvotes?
vivek_jonam's user avatar
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Can I get my bounty reputation back by awarding it to myself?

If I were to set a bounty on a question, could I then answer that question and award myself the bounty to regain that reputation? If that answer was purely to regain that reputation that could be a ...
damned truths's user avatar
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Why does my reputation score not appear to display correctly in other sites?

When looking at my profile in other sites I noticed that my reputation score had an extra ten reputation to what my profile here says. Why does this occur and is there a way to fix it? I also looked ...
damned truths's user avatar
4 votes
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What happens to reputation when site goes "live"?

What happens (if anything) to our reputation points when the site becomes "real"? Do we all reset to 0, or is there some sort of grandfathering that takes place?
Eric B's user avatar
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Why don't I get the +100 rep bonus for linking my accounts

Following the discussion here, I've created a question and answer to serve as a reference for the future. I've tagged it [faq-suggestion] as I think we probably ...
Edd's user avatar
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Why is meta reputation the same as the main site reputation?

If you compare the meta users page with the main site users page you will see that the reputation is exactly the same for all pages. Shouldn't they be different?
Hamish Downer's user avatar
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Strange reputation on

I have noticed one user on that has more than 100 in reputation but no answers and no questions - how is that possible?
Imageree's user avatar
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