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1 answer

Where is the "2017 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire?"

Not sure if Grace Note has to actually post it or if its completely automated. I would've guessed automated. But generally when the Election goes up to take Nominations there's also a "2017 Moderator ...
RyanFromGDSE's user avatar
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Review Queue (Late Answers) suddenly has 300+ old items

Late Answers queue has > 300 items in it, all seem to be years old. Something like this happened awhile back. I imagine it will go away on its own, but pointing it out in case someone wants to take ...
MikeW's user avatar
  • 33.5k
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Why must my edit to my own question be peer reviewed?

Why can't I get a decent white background with product photography? I edited my answer to this question and I get a message saying the edit will only appear to me until it has been peer reviewed.
Michael C's user avatar
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Regarding rep and badge carryover from photo site to site

I'm just noticing that when I am on my reputation carries over from photo, but not my badges. Is it supposed to operate like that or is that potentially a bug?
Octopus's user avatar
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bug: community-wiki auto re-applied for 30+ answers on meta even though a mod manually un-cw'd it

The official big answer on Community Wiki at What are "Community Wiki" posts? says: Moderators can remove it, when necessary. Once removed, the post will never automatically be given the ...
mattdm's user avatar
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Why is this accepted answer at the bottom of the list?

I saw this accepted answer that was at the bottom of the list: The answer was posted by the same person as the question poster and the order was set to "votes". Is this usual behavior?
damned truths's user avatar
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Bug: "We are currently offline for maintenance" page link to the blog is wrong

I just noticed that: On the "We are currently offline for maintenance" page, the link to the blog leads to the ServerFault blog.
Danny T.'s user avatar
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Why do the leagues show more earned reputation than total reputation?

Looking at the reputation leagues on the main stack exchange site, I noticed that some users have supposedly earned more in reputation, say, a month than they have total reputation. How is this ...
damned truths's user avatar
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Why do I recieve a badge for a down vote when I immediately undid the downvote?

I received the critic badge even after I immediately undid my downvote. Is rhis a bug or is it by design?
damned truths's user avatar
2 votes
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Received a badge (vox populi) I shouldn't have

I just got a notification that I received the Vox Populi (use 40 votes in one day) badge, but my user page shows I've only made 2 votes today (which sounds about right; I certainly didn't vote on 40 ...
user avatar
1 vote
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Badge Notification Buggy?

The notification for when badges are awarded seems to be a bit buggy compared to other sites. It sometimes alerts me and other times it does not. I am not sure if this is intentional or just a simple ...
L84's user avatar
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Why can't I cancel an answer I started typing but changed my mind of which?

I started answering a question and after some typing I decided to not post it. I then got out of the page, but upon returning to the question to view later answers, I noticed that my typed text is ...
ysap's user avatar
  • 11.2k
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Ask Question opens with my previous question populating the title and question boxes

I am trying to post a new question on the site, but whenever I click the "ask question" link, I get the question page where the title and main boxes already populated with the question I asked ...
ysap's user avatar
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Searching for 'exposure triangle' doesn't find the question 'What is the "exposure triangle"?'

If I search for exposure triangle, I get 3 questions (none of which really relate to the exposure triangle.) Seems to me like What is the "exposure triangle"? should show up as one of the results. ...
Evan Krall's user avatar
  • 12.4k
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Tag Wiki and Access to Moderator Tools

This is a bit odd... Since hitting the 10K rep, I've tried to help out the mods with edit approvals and the like and that appears to include tag wiki edits. The odd thing is, I don't have normal ...
Joanne C's user avatar
  • 33.2k
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"Only 1 comment allowed per 15 seconds" dialog is frustrating

From time to time I get this error box: Only 1 comment allowed per 15 seconds; timer reset. (click on this box to dismiss) It is really annoying, for two reasons: I can indeed think and type ...
Reid's user avatar
  • 15k
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How can a question be answered without being viewed?

How can a question be answered without being viewed? Makes no sense to me. See screenshot.
Itai's user avatar
  • 103k
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why do merged questions remain on the unanswered list?

I've noticed that there's currently a question on the unanswered section of the site that is listed as having been merged with another question, because it is a duplicate. This makes it impossible to ...
lindes's user avatar
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Colour profile stripped from featured image

So my photo was chosen for featured image (for which I'm very grateful), however I noticed that it looks darker than I the image I provided, and as I suspected the colour profile has been removed from ...
MJeffryes's user avatar
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Immediately undoing a vote still prevents you from voting later.

A couple of times now I've voted on something, decided to undo it to think some more or let other answers appear, and then gone back to vote much later. Trying to vote at that point is refused, with ...
ex-ms's user avatar
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Links between and photo seem to be broken.

The links between and photo both point to for me at the moment. Styling also seems off (background texture/colours are off). Edit: and now the link is a ...
ex-ms's user avatar
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Can't see CAPTCHA on mobile browser

Is there a point I reach with reputation where it no longer asks me CAPTCHA on new devices?
eruditass's user avatar
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Why is meta reputation the same as the main site reputation?

If you compare the meta users page with the main site users page you will see that the reputation is exactly the same for all pages. Shouldn't they be different?
Hamish Downer's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Strange reputation on

I have noticed one user on that has more than 100 in reputation but no answers and no questions - how is that possible?
Imageree's user avatar
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Answers > Views?

Unless I am missing something, shouldn't the number of views be greater than or equal to the number of answers or votes? Hmmmm.
John Virgolino's user avatar