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Questions tagged [accepted-answer]

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1 vote
3 answers

Should we kill the old "DoF with a kit lens" question due to its accepted wrong answer?

The accepted answer to How can I get dramatic shallow DOF with a kit lens? is factually incorrect (before I edited it). That's reflected in the consensus votes and in the other answers. Yet, there it ...
mattdm's user avatar
  • 144k
1 vote
1 answer

Why is this accepted answer at the bottom of the list?

I saw this accepted answer that was at the bottom of the list: The answer was posted by the same person as the question poster and the order was set to "votes". Is this usual behavior?
damned truths's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

I can't accept an answer...

I'm trying to accept an answer to a question, but the button just isn't working. Any ideas as to what might be causing this? Thanks!
PearsonArtPhoto's user avatar