It seems there are still some questions about the Picture of the Day contest threads. We've been using a single-thread approach for a while now. This approach is certainly a bit easier for moderators to manage, however it is a little more nebulously defined, and there are some issues with such a long, persistent topic.
So, here is your chance to voice your preference:
Option A) Single-Persistent-Thread (SPT)
Option B) Thread-Per-Week (TPW)
Option C) Thread-Per-Timeframe (TPT)
Option C is basically like Option A, with a periodic update to a new thread just to keep things moving and avoid some of the problems inherent in using one single everlasting thread. Feel free to recommend a timeframe... every month, every three months, six months, year, whatever. Make your pick, and feel free to back up your opinions with an explanation of why you prefer that option, arguments as to why we should use it, etc.
I don't think we will make any change right away... it takes a while for things in PhotoSE meta to get noticed, and I want people to have time to weigh in before we make any changes.